Author: Zebra

Festival 2025

For the 14th QUEER-Streifen Regensburg the time frame is now set:

October 16-22, 2025

We are glad to be able to welcome you in the cinema in autumn.

From now on to June 30, films can be submitted for the festival via FilmFreeway.

The winners in 2024 have been announced!

These are the winners of the 13th edition of the QUEER-STREIFEN festival Regensburg:

Most popular feature film

The non-monetary Audience Award for the best feature film goes to:

Austria 2024 | 110 min |Directed by: Kat Rohrer

Craftswoman Fa (Proschat Madani) takes care of more than just the kitchen installations for her customers. She is an part of the furniture in a lesbian bar. Marie Theres (Caroline Peters) leads a completely different life. Her wedding day, which doesn’t go as expected, throws the well-to-do doctor completely off track. When Marie Theres is then almost run over by the self-confident Fa, she has had enough. Marie Theres is also full when she is brought home by Fa after a long night. She remembers nothing – did they or didn’t they? And how does this fit into a life that plays on all the clichés of a wealthy hetero family? Her life plan becomes increasingly unstable and conversations with friends and her daughter confront Marie Theres with completely new questions.

Sparkasse Regensburg
Preise gestiftet von

Audience Awards at € 250 per short film programme:

United Kingdom 2023 | 13:00 min | Directed by: Jake Graf und Hannah Graf

Tess searches for answers after her deceased father turns out to be a trans woman. The revelation forces her to confront the reality of her childhood, which her mother concealed.

Queen Size
France 2023 | 19:52 min | Directed by: Avril Besson

Marina actually just wants to sell her mattress to Charlie before she moves back in with her parents. But the encounter between the two women throws her relocation plans into disarray.

Sweden 2022 |15:00 min | Directed by: Alecio Araci

A young Roma man who has been rejected by his family finds shelter for one night with an elderly food stall owner. He wants to make amends – and makes an unforeseen discovery in the process.

Praxiszentrum Alte Mälzerei
Preis gestiftet von

QUEER-STREIFEN-Kurzfilmpreis der Jury (750 €):

The jury, consisting of Andreas Hammer, Elisabeth Kratzer und Emily Meinke, awards the main prize 2024 to

See You ’Round the Block
Israel 2023 | 15:00 min | Directed by: Daniel Gat

Statement of the jury:

This year’s queer short film programme was dominated by international productions, 19 films from 13 countries, 2 of them from Germany, with an equally wide range of themes and aesthetics. There was a lot of drama to be seen, occasionally also a little cheerfulness and humour, strong cinematic approaches, black and white, one-shots and historical films.

Eventually, we had to decide between two films that were particularly appealing to us. In the end, we chose a film that shows an early morning encounter between two people who must have loved each other very much at one time and yet somehow parted ways. The film shows in an impressive way how complex relationships are, how much we love each other and yet how we hurt each other emotionally again and again. With two leading actors who never leave us cold for a second. In this 15-minute one-shot, the director lets us look deep into the souls of the protagonists as an invisible companion. In strong dialogues, he shows us a relationship and conflict dynamic that alternates between reunion, affection and razor-sharp malice.

We would therefore like to award this year’s QUEER Film Jury Prize for this wonderful and stirring Walk of Shame to director Daniel Gat and his team from Israel with their film „See You ‘Round the Block“.


Pride Month: GROSSE FREIHEIT (Great Freedom)

On Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 PM the QUEER-Streifen will show on the occasion of the Pride Month once again the movie GROSSE FREIHEIT (Great Freedom) by Sebastian Meise which won the Audience Award Best Feature Film in 2021.

Große Freiheit recalls the memory of the oppression of homosexuals in Germany through § 175 StGB. For 120 years, this paragraph criminalized sex between men. Franz Rogowski plays the homosexual Hans, who is regularly criminalized because of his sexual orientation. His cellmate Viktor (played by Berlinale winner Georg Friedrich) is his only constant companion. The inhumane treatment in prison and the daily harassment to which he is subjected are almost physically palpable for the audience.
Große Freiheit reveals itself as a decades-spanning epic of a longing for love – which was rightly awarded this year’s Special Jury Prize in Cannes. A film that impresses both through its narrative and the magnificent acting.

The admission is free.

Festival 2024

For the 13th QUEER-Streifen Regensburg the time frame is now set:

October 17-23, 2024

We are glad to be able to welcome you in the cinema in autumn.

From now on to June 30, films can be submitted for the festival via FilmFreeway.

The winners in 2023 have been announced!

These are the winners of the 12th edition of the QUEER-STREIFEN festival Regensburg:

Most popular feature film

The non-monetary Audience Award for the best feature film goes to:

Audience Award Best Feature Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2023

LEVANTE (Power Alley)
by Lillah Halla, Brazil, Uruguay, France, 2023

Sofia is about to join a professional volleyball team when she finds out about her unwanted pregnancy. Her career dream seems to be shattered, because in her home country of Brazil, abortion is a punishable offense. This presents the 17-year-old with almost impossible hurdles. But the uncompromising solidarity of her team – all part of the LGBTQ+ community – and Sofia’s father give her courage again and again to stand up to the fundamentalist legislation.
Powerful, queer and encouraging, Lillah Halla’s first feature-length film is a social critique, a father-daughter story as well as a sensitive love story and was screened at Cannes 2023. Hate and violence ultimately lead themselves ad absurdum in Power Alley and cannot stop the victory of the struggling women. So “Levante!”, cheer up!

Sparkasse Regensburg
Awards sponsored by

Audience Awards at € 250 per short film programme:

Audience Award Queer Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2023

Elisabeth Kratzer, Germany, 202

With her transition, Angelique entered unknown territory in the Bavarian province in the 1960s – but with chutzpah, joie de vivre and determination, she was well equipped for this journey to herself.

Audience Award Lesbian Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2023

LA VIE AU CANADA (Life in Canada)
Frédéric Rosset, Kanada, 2022

Together with her partner Justine and their daughter, Sarah wants to move to Canada. At Sarah’s parents’ 60th birthday party, Justine can’t be there because she has to organize the move – at least that’s what Sarah tells her family.

Audience Award Gay Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2023

NACKTE MÄNNER IM WALD (Naked Men in the Woods)
Paul Ploberger, Österreich, 2022

The woods as the home of marginalized desire is just one of the venues in this story of truth and its avoidance strategies, told with a proper tongue-in-cheek.

Praxiszentrum Alte Mälzerei
Award sponsored by

QUEER-STREIFEN Jury Award (750 €):

The jury, consisting of Katja Briesemeister, Katharina Kellner, and Stefan Langthaler, awards the main prize 2023 to:

Jury Award Best Short Film – QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2023

Elisabeth Kratzer, Germany, 202

Statement of the jury:

We saw many strong contributions in the short film programme – films that enriched us, touched us and made us laugh. Despite the high quality of the short film submissions, we did not have to discuss our favourite for long. The choice fell quickly and very clearly on a film that overwhelmed us in a positive sense.

The director of this film relies entirely on her strong protagonist, whom she stages cleverly and with a sensitive eye. Accompanied by calm, unagitated images, her story can unfold its full power. In a wonderful way, the film builds a bridge between the past and the present: it tells of the past and encourages people of today.

The film tells an extraordinary life story – that of a woman who made an unheard-of decision in a small Bavarian town in the 1960s: To be completely herself. With great self-confidence and an incredible amount of courage, she defied many difficulties, hostility and danger. We watch and listen to her spellbound and let ourselves be deeply touched – the merit of an impressive personality, but also of documentary storytelling at the highest level.

The QUEER-Streifen Jury Award 2023 goes to the film “Angelique” by director Elisabeth Kratzer.


Festival 2023 – Programme

The 12th QUEER-Streifen Regensburg will take place from

October 19 to 25, 2023

in the Kinos im Andreasstadel.

The programme is now set!

The film Stranizza D’Amuri on Saturday, October 21 at 20:30 will be shown with English subtitles.
On Wednesday, October 25 at 18:00, we will show Levante instead of Two as we had to flip the screenings.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Festival 2023

For the 12th QUEER-Streifen Regensburg the time frame is now set:

October 19-25, 2023

We are glad to be able to welcome you in the cinema in autumn.

From now on to June 30, films can be submitted for the festival via FilmFreeway.

The winners in 2022 have been announced!

These are the winners of the 11th edition of the QUEER-STREIFEN festival Regensburg:

Most popular feature film

The non-monetary Audience Award for the best feature film goes to:

Audience Award Best Feature Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

by Wes Hurley, USA, 2021

Early on, little Potato realizes that he is different. He doesn’t like naked women in magazines at all, and the communist system of his home country Vladivostok is not his cup of tea either. Because the single mother Lena, with her morally difficult job as a gulag doctor, also sees no future in the country, a decision is made: off to the USA, the land of unimagined possibilities! But even there, many things are not as they seem.
With a lot of love for the production and even more love for his characters, director Wes Hurley, who himself emigrated from Russia to the USA at the age of 16, tells of dreams, hopes and the desire for self-realization. In this sometimes thoughtful, sometimes cynical, but always highly entertaining film, even the Mother of God herself gets to belt out a few lines!

Sparkasse Regensburg
Awards sponsored by

Audience Awards at € 200 per short film programme:

Audience Award Queer Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

Anthony Pieck, Belgium, 2022

What Sid has done is so intolerable to his father that he asks Sid to have his last name changed to spare the family further disgrace. But what does the accused say to this?

Audience Award Lesbian Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

Charlotte Kennett, USA, 2022

Contrary to what most people think, 99% of all “psychopaths” are not serial killers. Andra tries to form a relationship with Sadie, two women who couldn’t be more different.

Audience Award Gay Short Film QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

NEUZEIT (Boom and Bloom)
Stefan Langthaler, Austria, 2022

Sweeping up the pieces of a failed relationship with a talkative but not exactly sensitive father on an Alpine hike? A tightrope act at dizzy heights!


Praxiszentrum Alte Mälzerei
Award sponsored by

QUEER-STREIFEN Jury Award (500 €):

The jury, consisting of Francy Fabritz, Kristóf Gellén and Pedro Álvarez Olañeta, awards the main prize 2022 to:

Jurypreis Bester Kurzfilm QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

Bartosz Brzezinski, Poland, 2021

Statement of the jury:

A film that, through its style and use of many metaphors and symbols, manages to captivate the viewer from the very first second. The acting of the young actors makes us understand what it is like to grow up in dusty binary structures and to want to discover and live a different sexuality and love than the one recognised as “right” by the Eastern patriarchy. Away from it all, when our protagonists, imitating the liberating cry of the wolves, experience a little bit of freedom, one feels the hunch and possibility of freedom and discovery. All the more painful – also thanks to excellent writing and camerawork – is the end, which almost silently brings one back to reality and repeatedly asks the question: does it have to be like this? So lonely? So painful? So absolutely incomprehensible?

The Jury Prize of 500€ for the Best Short Film of the 11. QUEER-Streifen Film Festival Regensburg goes to THE HOWLING by Bartosz Brzezinski.

Special mention

Special Mention QUEER-Streifen Regensburg 2022

Thibault Bru, Frankreich, 2021

PÉRIPHERIE is a perfect example of how well a short film can address controversial and poorly represented topics and people in just a few minutes. Age, pregnancy in old age, career as a woman, BPOC women in the workplace, the desire to have children and same-sex parenthood. In the smallest space in a car, the film concisely tells a relationship, a difficult situation and the power of communication. And all this with perfect craftsmanship.

PÉRIPHERIE by Thibault Bru receives a special mention from the jury.