Pride Month: GROSSE FREIHEIT (Great Freedom)

On Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 PM the QUEER-Streifen will show on the occasion of the Pride Month once again the movie GROSSE FREIHEIT (Great Freedom) by Sebastian Meise which won the Audience Award Best Feature Film in 2021.
Große Freiheit recalls the memory of the oppression of homosexuals in Germany through § 175 StGB. For 120 years, this paragraph criminalized sex between men. Franz Rogowski plays the homosexual Hans, who is regularly criminalized because of his sexual orientation. His cellmate Viktor (played by Berlinale winner Georg Friedrich) is his only constant companion. The inhumane treatment in prison and the daily harassment to which he is subjected are almost physically palpable for the audience.
Große Freiheit reveals itself as a decades-spanning epic of a longing for love – which was rightly awarded this year’s Special Jury Prize in Cannes. A film that impresses both through its narrative and the magnificent acting.
The admission is free.